Frontend Re-United Niš
Frontend United is the most comfy, people-first, non-profit Frontend conference in the world. FU aim is to connect developers and designers from all kinds of backgrounds closer together to share knowledge, experiences and ideas.
Conference yearly host legendary speakers talking about UX, browser performance, theming and Javascript. Sometimes still a bit of Drupal slips in :-)

Frontend Re-United? Whut?
Last year Frontend United scaled up in an unconventional way, by organising remote locations around the world. The events are labeled “Frontend Re-United”, where the “Re” hints to Remotely United, but sounds like “reunited” as in coming together again, but in a different way.
Number of people from Paramaribo, Kigali, Pune and Bangkok attended the conference remotely. The impact within each community was so strongly felt, that each Re-United location didn’t hesitate to sign up again for 2019!
And there is more to add to this list! Niš community is coming on board!
Join us in Niš!
Niš will host the live stream of the conference on 17 and 18 May 2019 for the first time! We all teamed up to make the amazing experience in the FU context.
We (aka attendees of the remote event in Niš) will join remotely and follow a customized schedule combining talks from the conference and local speakers.
Live stream will be recorded close to speakers in Utrecht and will constantly switch between the slides and follow the speaker around (an example of how that looked like). Local talks from Niš will be streamed to FB if you wish to follow online :-)
As a second step, it's important that all questions to speakers have the same value. Everyone, even in Utrecht, will post questions only through a platform called Slido. It won’t make any difference if you are in Niš, Kathmandu or Utrecht!
We will confirm the venue soon yet all other technicalities are arranged - social event, T-shirts and booklets as well as delicious food and drinks. Lots of fun included!
See you on 17 and 18 May :-)
Register and save your spot in Niš!
We prepared totally free local workshops for you. List of all workshops will be available soon, and schedule will be available on conference day when you arrive.
If you're planning to attend any workshop, please bring your laptop.
Metropolitan University
Bulevar Svetog cara Konstantina 80-86
18000 Niš
43.307036336794, 21.947228908539
Day 1
- Timeslot
- 08:00 - 08:50
- Timeslot
- 08:50 - 09:00
- Timeslot
- 09:00 - 09:50
- Room
- Timeslot
- 10:00 - 10:50
- Timeslot
- 10:50 - 11:20
- Timeslot
- 11:20 - 12:10
- Timeslot
- 12:20 - 13:10
- Timeslot
- 13:10 - 14:30
- Timeslot
- 14:30 - 15:20
- Timeslot
- 15:30 - 16:20
- Timeslot
- 16:20 - 16:50
- Timeslot
- 16:50 - 17:40
- Timeslot
- 17:40 - 17:45
- Timeslot
- 20:00 - Late
Day 2
- Timeslot
- 09:00 - 09:50
- Timeslot
- 09:50 - 10:00
- Timeslot
- 10:00 - 10:50
- Timeslot
- 10:50 - 11:20
- Timeslot
- 11:20 - 12:10
- Timeslot
- 12:20 - 13:10
- Timeslot
- 13:10 - 14:30
- Timeslot
- 14:30 - 15:20
- Timeslot
- 15:30 - 16:20
- Timeslot
- 16:20 - 16:50
- Timeslot
- 16:50 - 17:40
- Timeslot
- 17:40 - 17:45
Code of Conduct
All attendees, speakers, sponsors and volunteers at our conference are required to agree with the following code of conduct. Organisers will enforce this code throughout the event. We expect cooperation from all participants to help ensure a safe environment for everybody.
Our conference is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone. We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form.
Harassment includes offensive verbal comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion, technology choices, sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.
Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any conference venue, including talks, workshops, parties, Twitter and other online media. Conference participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference without a refund at the discretion of the conference organisers.
Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.
If a participant engages in harassing behavior, the conference organisers may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender or expulsion from the conference with no refund.
If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of conference staff immediately. Conference staff can be identified as they'll be wearing branded clothing and/or badges.
Conference staff will be happy to help participants contact hotel/venue security or local law enforcement, provide escorts, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of the conference.
We ask you to live by these rules through every part of the conference, from venue to workshops and social events. We would applaud it, if you would live by these rules through life, but unfortunately, our privilege as organisers doesn't stretch that far...
By raising the bar for inclusivity for ourselves as organisers, we raise the bar for our attendees. We don't do this because we have energy laying around and want to do something bohemian, we do this in the hope we inspire people to personally raise their own bar.
A code of conduct is only as strong as the willingness and dedication of the organisers to enforce it. The speakers are usually the best visible reflection of standards and therefor we want to show how we handle inappropriate behavior on stage.
If a speaker for example makes a remark on stage that insinuates something sexist. Then the room-monitor has the responsibility first of deciding on which side of the blurry line of inclusiveness the remark falls. The room-monitor has the ability to reach out over earpieces to the other organisers to help decide as quickly as possible if something crossed the line or not. If the remark was on the wrong side of the line, the room-monitor will then show a sign from the first row with the words “inappropriate content” to the speaker. Ideally asap after the remark happened. This gives the speaker the privacy to reflect and the opportunity to apologise.
The presentation will continue as normal, regardless of the speaker acting on having seen the sign or not. When a second screw-up happens on stage, the room-monitor will cancel the presentation by going on stage, and announce that “due to a dinosaur on stage, we have to cancel this session”. The presentation and livestream will then be stopped, and conference caries on with the remaining sessions of that day.
You can also get in to touch with contacts for Code of Conduct listed below. They can guarantee discretion and privacy. This means you can avoid having to talk to different people about an issue, and you have one person that takes care of anything that needs taking care off.
Svi učesnici, govornici, sponzori i volonteri na našoj konferenciji moraju se složiti sa sledećim kodeksom ponašanja. Organizatori će sprovesti ovaj kodeks tokom celog događaja. Očekujemo saradnju svih učesnika kako bismo osigurali sigurno okruženje za sve.
Naša konferencija je posvećena tome da svima pruži konferencijsko iskustvo bez uznemiravanja. Ne tolerišemo uznemiravanje učesnika konferencije u bilo kom obliku.
Uznemiravanje uključuje uvredljive verbalne komentare koji se odnose na pol, polni identitet i izražavanje, starost, seksualnu orijentaciju, invalidnost, fizički izgled, veličinu tela, rasu, etničku pripadnost, religiju, tehnološki izbor, seksualne slike u javnim prostorima, namerno zastrašivanje, uhođenje, praćenje, uznemiravajuće fotografije ili snimci, neprekidno ometanje razgovora ili drugih događaja, neodgovarajući fizički kontakt i neželjena seksualna pažnja.
Seksizam i uvredljive slike nisu prikladni za bilo koje mesto konferencije, uključujući razgovore, radionice, zabave, Twitter i druge online medije. Učesnici konferencije koji krše ova pravila mogu biti sankcionisani ili isključeni sa konferencije bez povraćaja novca, po odluci organizatora konferencije.
Od učesnika zatraženih da prekinu svako uznemiravajuće ponašanje očekuje se da se toga odmah pridržavaju.
Ako učesnik učestvuje u uznemiravajućem ponašanju, organizatori konferencije mogu preduzeti bilo koju radnju koju smatraju prikladnom, uključujući upozorenje počiniocu ili isključenje sa konferencije bez povraćaja novca.
Ako Vas maltretiraju, primetite da je neko drugi uznemiravan, ili imate bilo kakvih drugih problema, molimo Vas da odmah kontaktirate člana osoblja konferencije. Osoblje konferencije može biti identifikovano jer će nositi brendiranu odeću i/ili značke.
Osoblje konferencije će rado pomoći učesnicima da kontaktiraju hotelsko ili obezbeđenje dogadjaja ili lokalnu policiju, obezbede pratnju, ili na drugi način pomognu onima koji doživljavaju uznemiravanje, kako bi se osećali bezbedno tokom trajanja konferencije.
Molimo Vas da živite po ovim pravilima kroz svaki deo konferencije, od mesta održavanja do radionica i društvenih događaja. Pohvalićemo Vas ako budete živeli život po ovim pravilima, ali nažalost, naša privilegija kao organizatora ne proteže se tako daleko...
Podizanjem lestvice za inkluzivnost za nas kao organizatore, podižemo lestvicu za naše učesnike. Mi to ne radimo zato što imamo višak energije i želimo da učinimo nešto boemsko, već u nadi da ćemo inspirisati ljude da podignu svoju ličnu lestvicu.
Kodeks ponašanja je jak koliko i spremnost i posvećenost organizatora da ga sprovedu. Govornici su obično najbolji vidljivi odraz standarda i zato želimo da pokažemo kako postupamo sa neprikladnim ponašanjem na sceni.
Ukoliko neki govornik, na primer, napravi primedbu na sceni koja insinuira nešto seksističko, osoba koja nadgleda prostor ima odgovornost da prvo odluči na kojoj je strani zamućene linije inkluzivnosti ta primedba. Osoba na dužnosti ima mogućnost da preko slušalica dopre do drugih organizatora kako bi što brže odlučio da li je nešto prešlo liniju ili ne. Ako se primedba nalazi na pogrešnoj strani linije, on će pokazati znak iz prvog reda sa rečima "neprikladan sadržaj" govorniku. Idealno je što pre nakon primedbe. Ovo daje govorniku privatnost da razmisli i priliku da se izvini.
Prezentacija će se nastaviti kao i obično, bez obzira na to da li govornik reaguje na to što je video znak ili ne. Kada se na bini dogodi još nešto slično, osoba na dužnosti će otkazati prezentaciju odlaskom na pozornicu i objaviti da “zbog dinosaurusa na sceni, moramo otkazati ovu sesiju”. Prezentacija i livestream će tada biti zaustavljeni, a konferencija će se nastaviti sa ostalim sesijama tog dana.
Možete stupiti u kontakt sa osobama navedenim ispod, zaduženim za Kodeks ponašanja. Oni mogu garantovati diskreciju i privatnost. To znači da možete da izbegnete da razgovarate sa različitim ljudima o nekom problemu, i imate jednu osobu koja se brine o svemu što je potrebno.
Diversity statement
Diversity statement
We want to be welcoming to all people. That means any gender, race, ethnicity, size, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or culture. People that embrace and express publicly racist or sexist beliefs and views, or promote intolerance in any way, can not attend Frontend United as speaker or as attendee.
Our doors are open to all forms of developers, from the Flash-educated generation to JavaScript-oriented gurus, from vegans to carnists and introvert to extrovert people. We like you just as much if you write code listening to metal or to reggae, in comfy pants at home or all dressed up at work. We embrace all frontend-people and we read somewhere that backend-people aren’t as bad as we thought they were. :)
Želimo da se svi ljudi osećaju dobrodošlo, bez obzira na pol, rasu, etničku pripadnost, veličinu, nacionalnost, seksualnu opredeljenost, religiju ili kulturu. Ljudi koji prihvataju i javno izražavaju rasistička ili seksistička uverenja i stavove, ili na bilo koji način promovišu netoleranciju, ne mogu prisustvovati Frontend Re-United događaju, ni kao govornici ni kao učesnici.
Naša vrata su otvorena za sve programere, od Flash obrazovane generacije do JavaScript orijentisanih grupa, od vegana do mesojeda, introvertnih do ekstrovertnih ljudi. Volimo vas u istoj meri bilo da pišete kod slušajući metal ili slušajući rege, u udobnim pantalonama kod kuće ili doterani na poslu. Prihvatamo sve frontend ljude, a pročitali smo negde da ni backend ljudi nisu tako loši kao što smo mislili. :)